Round Squares, Mainstream Club
Birthday: January 1956 Club Colors: Black & White

  • Mainstream dancers
  • We sponsor a monthly Mainstream Dance, on the 4th Saturday, except December the 3rd Saturday
  • Our club also sponsors an annual Memorial Day Weekend multi-day Dance festival and camp-out
  • We sponsor Wednesday night lessons weekly from September thru March
  • Also we sponsor refresher workshops twice monthly in the summer
  • A monthly potluck and; meeting, is a club feature on the 3rd Sunday evening, September thru June, no meeting July/August
  • Celebrates the seasons with August club picnic and December club holiday party
  • Friendly, Social members interested in personal growth and contribution

Rounds Squares Club appeals to busy career schedules by offering weekend dances and mid-week (hump day) lessons. Members of the club enjoy square dancing at our own hall as well as traveling to other venues and multi-day dance vacations. Round Squares members are outgoing and friendly, often gathering after the dance at a restaurant or a member’s home. Many members have become longtime friends and share interests outside of dancing including cooking, gardening, sewing, quilting, theater, card games, and more.
Round Squares members look for opportunities to nurture dance skills, participating as angels with new dancers, attending KSDA workshops for personal growth, and traveling to other dance venues. In recent years, two members of our club have become square dance callers and several members have learned a singing call for our newly popular amateurs night dance.